Security Aspects


Security Aspects

There are several security related aspects to deep learning since the main work of the AI is based on the input data. If that is compromised, then it has catastrophic outcomes for the AI model. It also has a threat of privacy breaches. As per the article “Security and Privacy Issues in Deep Learning” the researchers concluded following security aspects of deep learning “1) Attacks on DL models: The two major types of attacks on DL relating to different phases—evasion and poisoning attacks—evasion attacks involve the inference phase whereas poisoning attacks involve the training phase.

2) Privacy attacks on AI systems: The potential privacy threats to DL-based systems arising from service providers, information silos and users.”

As per IEEE’s article “Privacy and Security Issues in Deep Learning: A Survey”, recent studies revealed that the attacker is capable of duplicating the model's parameters and hyperparameters that are used to provide Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS). In this work, the term "DL privacy" refers to both the sensitive training datasets and the DL model's intellectual property, such as its parameters and architectural design. On the other side, because of the DL model's flaws, the adversary can create a sample to trick it or trick the learner into building a subpar model. (Liu et al., 2021)

They also tell us the two types of privacy attacks done on Deep Learning Models “The attacks that invade the privacy of the model fall into two categories: model extraction attack and model inversion attack. In model extraction attacks, the adversary aims to duplicate the parameters/hyperparameters of the model that is deployed to provide cloud-based ML services”. (Liu et al., 2021)

While “In model inversion attacks, the adversary aims to infer sensitive information by utilizing available information.” (Liu et al., 2021) The adversary attacks have evolved with time, and they became black-box attacks. As per IEEE, in black-box attack “the adversary has no knowledge of the model, such as model architecture parameters, training data. The adversary crafts an adversarial example by sending a series of queries, which is more practical in real scenarios. In poisoning attacks, the adversary aims to pollute the training data by injecting malicious samples, modifying data such that the learner train a bad classifier, which would misclassify malicious samples or activities crafted by the adversary at the testing stage” (Liu et al., 2021)

Now since we discussed security aspects, let’s focus on some moral aspects.
